Marketing and selling online isn’t as easy as it use to be. When it was new and shiny, it was like fishing in a stocked pond nobody knows about. You could throw a bait-less hook into the pool of prospects and catch something, every day, over and over again.
Today, it takes more effort. You have to study your prospects, your competition, and you actually have to have the right bait on your hook if you want to catch something.
I do believe the pond is still crowded with prospects, however, there are more fisherman fishing in the pond, making it difficult for prospects to find and bite on your bait.
Why you’re not converting…
You’re probably still just throwing your hook out in the pond hoping to get lucky. You may even be putting bait on the hook, but it’s not the right bait.
You’ve got to spend time researching your competition and market, testing different ads with different images and copy…etc…
It’s not so much about traffic, website design, or even industry/niche, it’s usually your copy.
It’s all about your content!
The content on your website, in your ads, on your landing pages, and in your emails.
Content also includes your bait, the reports, ebooks, video trainings, FB lives, etc…All the things you’re using to drive traffic and bribe people for their email address.
There are so many tools out there that make building websites and landing pages easy, and I’ve only found one solution that is worth using when it comets to crafting content for your website, ads, and emails that is easy and effective.
How to get better conversions…
When it comes to conversion, you need three things to get it right.
- Strategy
- Copy
- Bait
While you should continue to read this post, if you want a full dump on how to nail those three things, read this book too, DotComSecrets (it’s free, you just pay a few bucks for shipping), it will blow your mind!
This is simply having a plan. Knowing what you’re goal is, and what you need to do to get there.
Your strategy should include everything. Who, what, where, why.
With your “copy”, also known as content, you need to have piece crafted with a matching message that is compelling and powerful enough to get someone to say yes (or click on a link, optin, etc..).
This includes the content for your ads, your landing pages, emails, txt, blog post, social post, videos, etc. Whatever you are using to promote your offer.
Your bait, the reason people are buying your product, or signing up for your email list, this is the magnet that pulls them in and gets them to take that first action.
That is why it has to be inline with your target audience. If it’s not, you’ll waste a bunch of time and money in promotion.
Ending Post Early with a Special Offer
In the book I mentioned, DotComSecrets, the author talks about his formula for finding your dream customers. That is his process for nailing your complete strategy and making sure it is tailored to the right audience for the biggest impact.
This is what it looks like…
Here’s the deal, you may be skeptical about ordering your copy of the DotComSecrets book, but I really think spending the $7.95 for shipping will serve you as you grow your business. So, I have two training videos that Russell has given me permission to share with you, for free, that will give you some insight into what this book can do for you.
One of the videos will also provide some insight as to how you can benefit from FunnelScripts (that thing I mentioned above) to help you with the copy elements of growing your business and increasing conversions.