Playbook for Growing Your Business Online

Dotcom Secrets Book

I’ve been helping entrepreneurs build their businesses online for over 10 years, and I never really had a “playbook”, but I recently came across this book, Dotcom Secrets, and it has provided a step by step solution my clients can use to grow their online business.

When you read this book, things that once seemed incomprehensible will begin to make sense.

Because the book offers a complete picture, from getting started to sales funnels to emails to traffic to sales, you’ll be able to take action on the information as you learn it.

So many how-to programs and guides available on the web today are what I call blueprints. Blueprints can be great if you know all the other pieces required to build the house.

When you’re missing the pieces, things like lumber, nails, insulation, wire, and pipes, it makes following the blueprint more difficult.

Dotcom Secrets BookDotcom Secretes offers the blueprint, but it fills in all the pieces as well. Taking you through everything you need to know and do to be successful in building your business online.

Below I’ve highlighted a few of the best parts of this book.

1. The Secret Formula

When I first saw Russell teach this formula, I was blown away. Not because it was something new, but because of how simple he makes it to understand this strategy.

I have two videos that go over this formula and how to implement it. You can watch them here.

2. The Value Ladder

This is a strategy for defining the path of ascension for your customers. The order they should ideally buy your products and move through your funnels. Essentially it’s a strategic way to add value to your customers so that they naturally ascend up your ladder.

3. Funnel Strategy: 7 Core Funnels

This is where the pieces come into play. In Dotcom Secrets, you learn the necessary steps to actually build out each step of your funnels.

There 7 core funnels Russell teaches in this book. You will likely use most of them in your business. In fact, Russell himself uses three of these funnels with every business.

Not only do you learn how do use these funnels, the book also directs you to a place where you can download the actual funnels, already built templates you can plug your content into.

4. Email Marketing: Soap Opera Sequence

When I first learned about this types of email campaign it was a game changer for my business.

The idea is to use a series of emails – about 5 – to tell a story that drives your subscribers to take action on a specific offer.

If you want to experience this from the master himself, you should optin to this list, HERE.

5. Key Traffic Strategies

In the book, Russell discusses the three types of traffic:

  1. Traffic you control
  2. Traffic you don’t control
  3. Traffic you own

The real secret in this section is understanding how each type of traffic works, how they tie together, and how to direct the right traffic to the right offers.

It doesn’t matter where you are in your online business, this book and the available resources will help you get your business up and running or to the next level of growth.

You need to get your FREE copy before the offer ends. It’s really simple, just click here, and tell Russell where to send your copy.

Article by Chris Eggleston
I'm a husband to 1, Father to 4, and Grandpa to 1. Christian. Patriot. Chief Problem Solver. Building business software with @gravityforms. Owner @wpmantis. Author @gravityranger.