It’s ok to make mistakes!!

It’s ok to make mistakes!! Unfortunately school teaches us that mistakes are bad and that we’re stupid for making them. And because that is how we are conditioned we live life trying to avoid making and even hiding the mistakes we do make. Even more sad, we don’t teach our children that is ok to …

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Success is Relative. Stop Comparing Yourself to Everyone Else!

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash Success is relative. We screw it up when we start comparing ourself to the everyone else and what success is to them. Chris Eggleston We all do it. We scroll through Facebook or Instagram and see the “wonderful lives” of our “friends”. Then we start to get frustrated. Because we’re not the …

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Fun Simple Hack to Help You Get More Stuff Done!

You probably already know that there is enormous power in rewards. In many cases, rewards are used when training kids, oh and of course animals. The child is bribed with a reward and once they comply with the demands they are then rewarded. Now I don’t believe this is the correct use of rewards. It …

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