I Doubled My Residual Revenue Because of These 2 Podcast Episodes

In this article, I’ll share with you the 2 podcast episodes that have had the biggest impact on the growth and development of my business over the past few months. Along with sharing the podcast episodes, I’ll explain what it is about each episode that has been helped me make these new breakthroughs.

Each of these podcast episodes are from the same author and podcast, Marketing Secrets, hosted by Russell Brunson.

1. The Primary Question That Fuels Your Value Ladder

First, if you have not studied the Value Ladder concept taught by Russell, this may be a bit unclear, but if you want to better understand the value ladder and how it works, get this book, DotCom Secrets (it’s free you just pay shipping).

Episode Overview

The concept of this episode is that you can build an entire business based on just one questions. Once you find your question, you then build all your assets with the focus of answering that one question for other people.

As part of this episode, Russell actually takes you through the process of, “how he would implement this concept”, and builds out a simple business plan.

Russell has been using this strategy for about a year now, with tremendous success. Here are a couple examples where he has used it.


They asked 30 of their top earners, these are independent business owners that use ClickFunnels to market and sell their products and services, to answer one question. “You suddenly lose everything. What would you do from day 1 to day 30 to save yourself?”

These 30 entrepreneurs then put together hours of presentations and guides to show you exactly what they did, and would do again, to build their businesses.

These experts are all from different industries with different strategies. You basically get to go through and pick the ones that fit your style best and copy it.

One Funnel Away Challenge

This is actually a spin off of 30days.com. In this challenge they are still focused on the question asked at 30days.com, but they are actually giving you the most advanced training, and coaching to help you implement your own 30 day solution.

You get all the content from 30days.com, so that you can study and find a business strategy that will work for you, but then they hold you hand through the development and implementation of that strategy.

A training like this normally would sell for two to four thousand dollars, but they are doing this whole 30 day coaching course for $100.

Affiliate Bootcamp

In this program, they copied what they did with 30days.com and reached out to their top affiliates and asked them all a simple questions.

“If you had to feed your family with nothing but your affiliate commissions… And you had only 100 days to turn this hobby into a full-time career…What would you do (over the next 100 days) until you were full time?”

From that question, they got several hours of training from their top affiliates that they put into this FREE course.

It affiliate focuses on a different niche or market segment, each has a very unique strategy. And it is all available for you to learn from and model your own strategy after.

My Breakthrough

This strategy for me was a way to simplify things. To refocus what I am doing and say, “what is it that I am really trying to accomplish?”, bringing everything under one simple path.

Often we have a goal or vision of what we want our business to be and do, but we get knocked off course or side tracked by, “another great idea”. Or even another service/product that we can offer to make more money. Even though that new offering isn’t in complete alignment with our overall vision.

By focusing on finding that ONE question, then using that as a compass to say, “does this offering answer that questions?”, I know have a way to stay on point, which has made it easier to grow my business.

You can listen to the full episode below!

2. The End of The Information Age … The Next Phase Is_______

This episode was inspired by a Frank Kern podcast Russell had listened too. And the reason I am sharing Russells episode and not Frank’s is because Russell does a great job of simplifying the message and giving application.

Episode Overview

Times are changing. We now live in a world powered by do-it-yourselfers. A place where you can go on YouTube and figure out how to do just about anything from a true expert in that thing.

Because of that, there is often times information overload. There are now, 300 videos to choose from, so witch one do you watch? Which expert do you listen to?

This episode focuses on what is “NEXT”, where we as creatives should be focusing our efforts.

My Breakthrough

I suppose this episode was less of a “breakthrough” for me then it was as a validation to an idea I’ve had for some time. And I felt like this episode gave me permission to pursue that idea.

I consume a lot of content through reading books and articles, listening to podcast, watching online trainings etc…And for a long time I have taken what I call “ChrisNotes”, and wanted to publish these things as a way to share the INSIGHTS I’ve gained from my studying, but just never sure how to actually do it.

That was until I listened to this episode again, and shortly after having stumbled upon a couple new blogging strategies that would make it easy for me to publish my ChrisNotes in a way that would truly be beneficial to people.

This article, is an example of one of these new strategies!!

SO what is “The Next Phase…”? It’s all about Insights. What are the parts of this I really need to know, and how can you deliver that to me quickly.

Frank does a really good job of breaking his trainings into bitesize insights and post those all over social for the quick to the point messages.

You can listen to the full episode below!

The Wrap Up

I highly recommend you do some bingeing of Russell’s podcast. The best way to do that, and get the best episodes first is with this Binge Guide!

But first, listen to these to episodes and let me know what you think in the comments. Did they impact your business in any way? Did you have any ah-ha moments while listening to them?

Don’t forget to get your copy of DotCom Secrets.

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