What’s the purpose of using content for marketing?

Using content to attract and establish trust with your target market isn’t anything new. You’ve heard it time and time again.

Some people refer to it as blogging, some call it content marketing, but no matter what you call it, your content needs to do more!

The truth is, some of your competitors are probably using a content marketing strategy, but chances are, very few, if any of them are doing it right. So if you haven’t started yet, it’s not too late, as long as you get started now!

What’s the purpose of using content?

I think your prospects, like most consumers, know the purpose of your content, however they’re don’t mind a little promotional content when it’s helpful, and informative!

I try to focus on 3 key things:

  1. Establish Credibility
  2. Build Trust
  3. Increase Conversion

1. Establish Credibility

Your active and potential customers need to see you as the expert or as the credible resource for your niche or topic.

For example, when I need to do some research on Internet marketing, I refer to Copyblogger. The advice and education they provide is always beneficial and applicable.

To build credibility, your content must be:

  • educational
  • useful
  • applicable
  • consistent
  • actionable

2. Build Trust

Building trust can also be a performance indicator.

If your subscriber list increases or you’re seeing a high level of returning website visitors, it’s safe to assume you’ve done a good job establishing credibility and that people are starting to trust you.

Trust, in the information economy, is a requirement for success. If people don’t trust you or your content, they’ll never buy from you!

As long as your producing great content and not abusing your email list, this trust will go a long way.

3. Increase Conversion

Your content strategy must have a goal to increase conversion, however it is you qualify them (email subscriber, sales, new customer, etc…)!

Will this happen naturally? Yes, possible over time. But it wont happen if the “next steps” or products/services you offer aren’t clear.

And by clear I mean spelled out, when it comes to the average website user, never leave anything to chance!

If it’s subscribers you want, ask for the optin.

If it’s engagement you want, encourage readers to share their thoughts in the comments.

If you’re selling something, don’t be pushy, but don’t be afraid to ask your readers to learn more about your product or to buy your ebook.

Often times, they may not know buying is an option.

You need to have a call to action (CTA) associated with at least 20% of the content you publish. And it’s ok if that CTA is, “buy my products”, “join my program”, “hire me”.

Now what?

Tell me what you need help with…content ideas, establishing a strategy, writing good content, deciding which channel (audio, video, text) is best for your audience, setting up a blog…?

Just use the comments to let me know and I’ll respond with my best advice!

Article by Chris Eggleston
I'm a husband to 1, Father to 4, and Grandpa to 1. Christian. Patriot. Chief Problem Solver. Building business software with @gravityforms. Owner @wpmantis. Author @gravityranger.